Blog 2 The Shining -Mise en scène

Blog Week 2

The Shining

Identify the type of lighting used in the film (traditional three-point, high-key, or low-key) and assess the impact of the lighting used to establish the theme:

The lighting that was used in The Shining was the traditional three-point, then at some points of the movie a low-key lighting was used to make an impact of what was happening during the scene. The lighting established a theme by preparing the audience’s for what could happen next in the horror movie. This scene that I have posted is using a three-point type of lighting, where the woman is standing in the bathroom, bright lights, which intensifies the horror in her face.

Then this next scene that I will post, intensifies the low-key lighting.

This scene is where she climbs up the stairs and you can see the shadows on the wall behind her, increasing the “scary” factor in this movie.

What are the benefits of the style of lighting used?

The benefits of the style of lighting used is so the genre is up to its full 100% potential of the movie. If the certain type of lighting is used, it is used because horror movies need it to be scary, so showing shadows on the walls, darkening the faces, only seeing eyeballs, intensifies that scare for the audiences.

   How did this technique contribute to the theme?

The technique contributed to the theme, dark lighting means horror. To see the shadows on the    wall, and feel the dark air around you sitting at the edge of your seat, is the whole point and the director’s objective. To have you feel as the character is feeling.

How was the lighting technique suited to the genre of the film? For example, documentary films tend to rely on natural light as a way of creating an overall tone of authenticity.

Horror always uses low key lighting. According to our textbook, it says that low-key lighting is often used for intense dramatic scenes, horror, mystery films etc. (Goodykoontz & Jacobs)

Compare how the scene would play if different choices had been made

If this scene played differently in the lighting choices, then the scene where the woman is walking up the stairs would not have been scary as we are watching the shadows, and the scene where she is stuck in the bathroom with the bright lightening, wouldn’t have made the bathroom that much dramatic.


Goodykoontz, B., & & Jacobs, C. (2014). Film: From watching to seeing (2nd ed.). San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education Inc. (26, May 2011). The Shining. Retrieved from

Leonardo Anaya. (19, August 2006) The Shining. Retrieved from

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